Buddy joined us on Saturday, November 24, 2012 |
Here is Buddy, our first foster! Buddy is a seven month lab/shepherd mix. And yes, he is as adorable as he looks! Buddy came to us just two days ago, and he has already fit right into our family. He is going to make his forever home very happy once they adopt him!
Paula from Sea Dog Rescue brought him over on Saturday. Ben & I headed outside with Coop and June on leashes so we could take a walk around the block with Buddy for a non-confrontational greeting. I have to say that my kids did great! I was one proud momma!
After our little meet and greet, we came into the house and Paula got us up to speed on this little bundle of love. He had a bath and a brand new collar. Buddy is one styling puppy!
I had to work on Buddy's first evening with our family, but Ben said he did great! Buddy only had one accident, and has been perfect in the house ever since! Tonight will be his first overnight without a bathroom break though. I don't want his forever home to have 2:00am wake up calls! I have the utmost faith that he will be just fine tonight!
Buddy was a bit timid his first day with us. We worked really hard to make him feel at home. We got down on his level, let him sniff us, and gave him lots of love!
After his first night, Buddy was much less timid. He is now playing with June and Coop and he even jumps up onto the bed all by himself. He climbed into bed with me this morning after Ben left for work for some snuggle time with his foster mom. Such a sweet boy!
Sniffing with Coop!
Buddy seems to like it here just fine, but he is waiting for his forever family to find him. If you or someone you know is interested in adopting Buddy, please apply online at Sea Dog Rescue. They will even arrange to transport him to you at no extra charge. He will most certainly fill your heart and your home with joy!
Love those ears!
As always, please consider adopting your next best friend from a rescue group or a shelter. Saving a life is absolutely the best feeling!
Thanks for stopping by!

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