I would like to make one addition to using a crate for your anxious pup while you are gone. I recommend not putting any stuffed toys or blankets in the crate with your dog. They can easily tear these items up and ingest them. Ingesting these materials can cause obstructions that can be very dangerous (even fatal) and could require costly surgery to remove. Please don't feel mean! It is for your dog's safety. Just think it is like lying on a hardwood floor to keep cool in the summer. They will be perfectly fine and most importantly, safe.
Another very important technique to overcome anxiety is to
ignore your dog when you leave and ignore them when you come home. This is the hardest
thing to do. You want to comfort them and tell them it will all be okay, but
this will not help them feel comfort in the slightest. Dogs feed off of our
emotions. If they sense you are making a big deal out of coming and going, they
will think it is a big deal. They will worry that something bad is happening
because Mom or Dad is acting anxious when they leave or too excited when they
get home. Ignoring snuggles at the door
is even harder than ignoring them when you leave, but it will help.
In addition to ignoring your pup when you come and go,
another useful technique is to go through your morning routine, but then don’t
leave! Dogs are so very smart. I swear Cooper gives me “the look” every time
I put on my work uniform. He knows that
means I am leaving. Your dog is the
same! If you go through your morning
routine and stay home, your dog will see that something bad doesn’t always
follow your morning routine. Also, you
could do short trips out following your routine, such as running down to the
gas station. It will help desensitize
them to your leaving. But don’t forget
to ignore them!
Another little technique to help anxiety is to teach your
pup some tricks. I had a friend suggest
this to me once for Coop and it actually helped quite a bit! My friend told me that exercising his mind
would help him overcome his anxiety.
Dogs are smart and like learning new things. Using their noggin will help keep them from
feeling bored. And I am not talking
about crazy tricks here. Just do the
simple ones. Coop learned how to shake
with both paws, lay down, and stay. These
are definitely the basics, but they helped him feel better. He loved when I praised him and gave him hugs
for doing his new tricks correctly.
Learning these few things really seemed to help. Plus it was a fun thing for us to do together!
My last piece of advice for a dog with anxiety is
exercise! Just taking your dog on a
simple walk around the block will do wonders.
Not only is it physical exercise, but it is also a mental exercise. All of the new smells and sights will get
their mind working and help to wear them out.
Does your dog like to fetch? Grab
that tennis ball and wear their little booty out! A worn out dog is much too tired to worry!
I certainly hope these tips and techniques help you with
your pup! If you have any other ideas,
please feel free to share them!

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